Here is a breif summary of my computer background... Back in my glory days. Boy I'm
getting old. When I was 12 my dad bought our first computer that was an EDS 80088 geeze that seems like light years ago. Oh well I
had the state of the art 2400bps modem that used to download 1 meg in about 1 hour and 15
minutes. Now that was flying. At least back then most programs where like 200k or
something like that. Everything was usually pretty small.. In 1987 I setup a TAG Bulletin
Board System (BBS) . The name of it was called "The Trident"... I ran the board
for about 3 years and met a lot of really cool and interesting people. Well I spent many
many years in the computer world.. Hmm I'm still in that world. I found these machines
very intersting and challenging. In high school I started a company called Trident Electrical Systems. Maybe you
might of heard of this company. One of the things in life I didn't like while growing up
was people never trusted how smart I was. To most I was some stupid kid that didn't know
anything. But at the age of 12 I would walk into computer stores and blow the sells people
away. At 12 years old I was configuring hard drives, jumper pins, low level programming,
BIOS chips, memory upgrades. I thought I was very high tech for my age.. It really didn't
matter to what people thought because I just wanted to learn anything and everything.But
it came the time to finally graduate from High School.. So I figure I could just run my
computer company but the problem I ran across was people didn't believe me or trust in my
experience even if I did know a lot. So I figured I should get a college degree. So here
came Michigan State University. One of the best
experiences of my life. Where I grew up and learn to about life.. I had a lot of crazy
nights of partying and studying but who doesn't in college. My Bachelor of Science Degree
is in Electrical Engineering. I meet a lot of really
cool people up at MSU. Some of them are listed on the page of people that
touch me...
Well after having a rough start in college I got in the grove of things. After meeting a
person by the name of Imed Hariz. He was a very strange person he was once refered to as
the International Lover.. He is from Tunisia a small country that is in the Meteriiiian
Sea.. Imed opened my eyes to the big picture and help me develop my skills and learning
capabilities. He showed me how to study the right way.. Because of my refocus in on school
I was able to really learn about subjects in school and life. Not just enough to take the
I have always tried to do things in life speedy and accuate. I constantly look for improvement and to continue a strong path of wisdom. Some of my friends often say I'm a good multitasker. Where I can have about 20 differeent things thought out and timed out. Sometimes at home I will be washing dishes, doing laundary, listen to radio, watch tv, logged into the net, reading mail, filing stuff, and cleaning rooms up. haha people have always said I'm weird never understood that. But I hate following the norms. I like to always be considered different..
In the fall of graduating from MSU I started to work on my Master Degree in Electrical Engineering. I started this journey for many reasons. One being that I feel I'm a very good instructor and can teach very well and enjoy to teach and have the flame to do it.. When I see the light turn on in people heads it is just a great feeling. Another reason was to be solid in my field and to absorb more high level thinking in Engineering. So I started my Master Degree at GMI now called Kettering University for a Master of Electrical Engineering. After a job transfer and going to school at night I transfered to Univesirty of Michigan. I completed my Master degree there in Computer Engineering. For my love for computers.
I plan on getting a Master Degree in Business Adminstartion from Massuchuesets Institute of TEchnology in Boston . I love
school and the postive atmosphere. Does this make me a strange? I don't know, nor do I
care what society wants to name tag me with. I always look to gain more and more wisdom by
the second.
In the early part of 1996 my life took a major change and I think for now a final turn to the right path. I feared making this descion because of the consequences that could happen. As I speak today I believe it to be the best thing I ever did in my life. My focus on life is very strong and clear. Things make so much sense to me now. I can't really explain what I did or what I decided other then I'm on the right path now and trying to stay on that path..
One thing I never understood in my life and I still look to find this answer. How I can see so many thing evolve and form. How I can tell you exactly what will happen before it happens. Not all the time can I do this but with people and things that are very close to me I can just feel these things. Here is an example, maybe this isn't a big deal. I went to a party with a friend of mine and before I met anyone at this party I could tell my friend everyone she dislike and like and the reasons why. To me this is just very trival to some it is weird. I'm not sure what I'm doing but it is so clear the answer to the questions before they are spoken..
So if you meet me and say I'm weird, and I start laughing at you, don't
get offended.