Hey lets take this picture I got rides I want to go on...

Why is there all this smoke?...

My first ride was the carousel.


What is everyone looking at?

Hey all this smoke makes a nice cover for me.

Power tower might hit this next year.

Hey dad make this picture quick I want to get back to my nap.

Ya Mom I got enough clothes on then what I weigh but thanks Mom cause I'm nice and warm!!

Mom I never saw this at our house what is this?

I don't think this thing you said is a goat likes me?

Ya this steering wheel taste good.

Ya I'm the little devil now let me sleep.. I got a tail in the back but I'm not flipping over.

Danny get me out of here!!

That is my mom, aunt sherry, gimma, and little Mary they are going quick.

Ya check that out I saw the corkscrew up close.

Yep I'm hitting this one next year Mantis.

Hey dude you don't have a chance against me I got a Jeep Stroller and it's quick with shocks!!

On your mark get set GO!!!

What is this stuff looks scary...

Look Dad I'm actually smiling for you.. Sun came out..

haha I'm going to cut you off I win!!

What does Dead Rock Cemetery mean?

Your so slow I'm just going to take a nap.