Baby Video #1 (6MB)
Baby Video #2 (16MB)
Anthony Christopher Portelli born May 1st 2003 9:08 am
9 pounds 12.5 ounces 22.5 inches long
Curly hair like me!
First time I get to hold the baby...
Baby born on 05/1/2003..
Phone calls start....
9 pounds 12.5 ounces
Grandma holding the baby in the hospital..
Patrick Roy holding the baby...
Boo holding the little guy..
Boo first look at the baby....
Danny boy holding the baby..
Coscia holding the little guy..
Grandpa Portelli gets to hold the baby...
Aunt holding baby ...
Grandma holding the baby at the house. Baby came home 5:00pm on May 2nd 2003 (Date wrong in the picture).