WESTPORT HouseColding Party!!!
Saturday, March 29, ???-??? (Anytime to Anytime)!!!!!
WESTPORT?? Yes, Its West- The Best, On the Port of Long Lake and also its Weston and Portelli!!! Colding??? Definitely, its still cold and you must party to let the sun know its time to stay out and get warm-maybe a little sacrifice(brain cells) to the sun god! But, to those of you who know the story I was told it would be a "cold day in hell!!!!" before I move back in this house-welcome to HELL (well, ok, Hamburg but Hell is right down the street)!!!! Also, for those so inclined the ice should be melted and you are more than welcome to take a dip (got the ba__s?) -warming shots will be available from the liquor cabinet!!!! Anyhow, a keg will be on hand, but you know how that goes so bring something(favorite microbrewery for a taste fest?)along!!! We will have some food but for those of you motivated types bring along a dish or munchies to pass around!!!!! The store is NOT right down the street so come prepared!!! Any of you who want to bring your air mattress, sleeping bags, or bedrolls are more than welcome and there is plenty of room and a whole lot safer!!!! For you city clickers, although it is rare, deer are out here so please be alert and aware.
96 To 14, or 94 to 23 North and go to exit #53 (Whitmore Lake). This is basically Eight Mile Rd but it has at least 2-3 name changes. When you exit TURN LEFT and go 2.6 miles (there is 3 curves) to STRAWBERRY LAKE ROAD(a cemetery is on the right side).
TURN LEFT and go 3.5 miles to DUNLAVY LANE(look for 3 roads close together like city blocks, starting with West Lane, then Louis St. and Louis Lane and the 4th one is your turn) and TURN RIGHT and go to a T (After a curve in road. At T TURN LEFT(watch out as a tree separates the lanes). Go to a Y in road and TURN RIGHT to FIRST HOUSE a YELLOW CHALET: 11497 Dunlavy Lane. Yes, you will be ready for a cold beverage!!!
696 To 96, or M59 to 23 SOUTH and go exit #55(Silver Lake Rd). TURN RIGHT and go to stop sign(which is right there) and TURN LEFT to FIRST STREET(Winias Lake Rd) and TURN RIGHT. Go 2.1 miles until it dead ends at stop sign and TURN LEFT and go to another dead end and stop sign. TURN RIGHT(M36) and go 1.1 mile to MERRILL Rd (a lake is on right and a Dairy Queen is on left). TURN LEFT to first stop sign and TURN RIGHT onto STRAWBERRY LAKE ROAD and go about 1.8 miles to DUNLAVY LANE. As mentioned above look for the 3 roads close together and the 4th one is Dunlavy-follow the directions above once you make the turn unto Dunlavy
LOST ????? CALL 313.426.5662 so we can get a good laugh!!!!!!