SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 06 (Anytime to Anytime)!!!!!
ATTENTION all whiners(Way out there? Its BFE!!), procrastinators(Ill probably come out tomorrow.), and liars(yes, being literal, which, of course includes the "little white lies!!!") As this the third "Official"(meaning with an official invitation flyer) party your mission is to Simply Show Up or Beat Your Previous Excuse-both in magnitude and severity!!! Well, well, the collection includes(Yes, these are the actual quotes with the names Xed to protect the poor, unwilling and/or unable innocents, as well as the guilty) all of the following-the sad, the mad; the fun, the sun; the fact, the fiction; the space(head), the race; and on, and on they go!!! So beat it(in private Pee Wee please!) !!! Perhaps you may recognize your own excuse and and in the far, inner ring of the deepest crevice your brain, feel a little bad, or guilty and suddenly exclaim once again...."Ill be there this time(for sure!!!)!!!" or are you merely challenged(so many to beat, so many creative minds!) So read and enjoy, and ponder, contemplate this difficult decision...One that most of you have had 6-8 weeks to think about, but did you mark it down,or can we expect some absolute classic excuses???!!!"Make it to the next party, Ill bring XXX with me." "I will not be coming to the party-not because of my boyfriend, but because of work. I have to be at work at 6:00 AM the next day" (This was a three day party, by the way!!!) "I might be busy that weekend. It seems to be real good partying days for me. I usually go to the bar with XXX and XXX, but who knows?"(Ob-viously this person did not and it is NOT good party days!!!) "Sorry dude, my XXX went in the hospital for some surgery on Saturday. We were still thinking about making it to the party but she wasnt up for the ride...that killed that idea." (So sad, a holiday weekend, no less!!!) "Thanks for the invite, dont think I will be able to make it though" "Sorry bud..cant make it. Ill be in NYC, I think."(Key word is think???!!!) "Thanks for the invite, but XXX, XXX, and I are going to do the family rounds for the 4th."(Cant argue with family.) "You know thats a holiday dont you? Im going to my girlfriends family on Sunday and I want to make a good impression. So showing up after partying the night before would not be cool"(Disregard the last comment about arguing about family!!!) "Thanks for the invite, unfortunately...Im working all weekend, otherwise, sounds like fun"(A very dedicated employee-can work 72 hours straight, I guess!!!) "Sounds too good. Unfortunately, we cant make it-Ill be fending off the invading army of balloonists as they try to knock the chimney off the house(ha..ha!)."(And we thought the MI militia did not exist anymore!!!) "Thanks for the invite, but Im in Toronto, Canada till the 7th. God Bless."(Polite and concerned!!!) "However, on the 4th of July, and actually from June 26th through July 6th, Ill be in the upper peninsula celebrating the fact that I have been out of high school for 25 years...class reunion"(probably had a better time-wait I need to factor in the age thing-so I dont think so and thats about my age!!!) "Sounds good, Ill try to make it-probably on the 5th"(try...just a little bit harder!) "Got your invitation, thanks much, but I have a family reunion to attend in PA that weekend"(the family again!) "I appreci-ate the offer for the weekend, but I am going to Chicago with my girlfriend"(could have sweated here just as easily, sunny in the 80s.) "I couldnt make it because I didnt know if I could come alone"(did you ask and HAVE you?) "Oh thats right, that was this weekend?"(we pay to explore space when it is right here, for FREE? Taxpayers revolt!!!) "I was going to come out Sunday, but I forgot the guide!"(Space is not the final frontier, I hope!!!) "We should have came out-we didnt do anything!!!"(And it was entirely your loss!!!) "No. no thanks, but you have a good time"(another polite with consideration thrown in-Thanks!!!) "Oh yeah, we just said f--k it and went up north that week." "I was itching to be out there, but I just wasnt up to it-you know what I mean?"(Of course-we are so understanding!!!) "Did XXX make it out? He called me for directions but I didnt have them either!!!"(I do wonder too!!!) "Im not bringing my jet-ski and have a bunch of drunks bugging me to take it for a ride-Im liable"(Who US? OK just bring yourself then, perhaps another excuse hey?!) " We spent 45 minutes looking for the place and finally just gave up!!(Was a man driving and how do you feel about wasting 45 minutes w/o a result?) "I thought I could find it again but I turned unto XXX St, a dead end and ended up killing about an hour!"(Yep, another City Slicker, and by the way, HAMBURG HAS PHONES NOW!!!) "Sorry I didnt make it to your house for the 4th, but I had a really bad rash everywhere that was driving me crazy!!!"(And thank you for staying home! EVERY-WHERE???!!!) "We were going to come out on Sunday but I left the map at the office"(Mark up another one under space!!!) "Where is it at? If its up at Houghton Lake Ill be there!"
OK, OK I agree, enough is enough but I think you get the point!!! This time we will keep it simple-bring anything or everything that you may want. Who knows we may(OR NOT) have a keg or some food, however a grill is available for your dining enjoyment(Who is bringing dessert I do wonder?!) The weather is usually "Sunny in the 70s" so water fun is a possibility, bring the water toys, etc, and a launch is available. For the "Stop right here!" rummage sale hobbyists our association is having one this day from morning to mid to late afternoon so do come on out early for those fabulous deals!!! An UPGRADE on the deer:Construction is pushing them into tighter spots and we have seen more of them-alert and aware is the key, at least until you are good and buzzed to deal with it(JUST A JOKE-KEYS WILL BE TAKEN IF YOU DONT STAY ON YOUR OWN!!! Something that has not changed:The store is still "NOT DOWN THE STREET So Come Prepared!!!" There are several special surprises in store for this event so do try to make it, after all, its in the theme!!!! And God bless-Jesus loves me yes I know....yes, a final quote!!!
96 To 14, or 94 to 23 NORTH and go to exit #53(Whitmore Lake). This is basically Eight Mile Rd but it has at least 2-3 name changes. When you exit TURN LEFT and go 2.6 miles (there is 3 curves) to STRAWBERRY LAKE ROAD(a cemetery is on the right side). TURN LEFT and go 3.5 miles to DUNLAVY LANE(look for 3 roads close together like city blocks, starting with West Lane, then Louis St and Louis Lane and the 4th one is your turn) and TURN RIGHT and go to a T (after a curve) in road. At T TURN LEFT(watch out as a tree separates the lanes). Go to a Y in road and TURN RIGHT to FIRST HOUSE- a YELLOW CHALET: 11497 Dunlavy Lane. Yes, you will be ready for a cold beverage!!!
NOTE: At press time the house is scheduled to be painted(most likely a neutral color) so it may not be yellow, but who knows???!! The "Shawdow Knows," of course!!!
696 To 96, or M59 to 23 SOUTH and go to exit #55(Silver Lake Rd). TURN RIGHT and go to stop sign(which is right there) and TURN LEFT to FIRST STREET(Winias Lake Rd) and TURN RIGHT . Go 2.1 miles until it dead ends at stop sign and TURN LEFT and go to another dead end and stop sign. TURN RIGHT (M36) and go 1.1 mile to MERRILL Rd (a lake is on right and a Dairy Queen is on left). TURN LEFT to first stop sign and TURN RIGHT onto STRAWBERRY LAKE ROAD and go about 1.8 miles to DUNLAVY LANE. As mentioned above look for the 3 roads close together and the 4th one is Dunlavy-follow the directions above once you make the turn unto Dunlavy.
96 to D19 exit in Howell. TURN RIGHT unto D19 and go 9 miles to dead end or "T". TURN LEFT(M36) and go about 5.9 miles to MERRILL RD. TURN RIGHT(Only way) and follow directions above once you get to first stop sign which is STRAWBERRY LAKE RD!
1) Mapquest.com
2) Bigyellow.com