As we walk in the harbor, the fog clouds are
vision, we look inside us to guide the way home. But for the walking part it is our eyes
that need to see so it isn't till the sun comes out and clears the vision can we see clear
in front of are selves. Often many forget it isn't just a vision that we see with our eyes
but something we also live in our minds. Many things are cloudy or foggy in our minds and
often we don't know what to do to find our way because there isn't just a sun that shines
on us that takes the fog away. But if we really trust in our selves and believe in our
foundation we will get out of the fog.
Often challenging to trust ourselves very
challenging because we not certain that will take us out for sure but we just need to
trust in it and believe it will. Often many people live a whole life and don't even care
too get out of the fog but just try to breath and yell for help. But really is there
anyone out there that is going to come and rescue them from the own cloudy vision. They
won't show them the way out but whisper words to them to comfort them so they don't feel
Sometimes we trust and we don't get out of
the fog and things don't become clear. So we look to point the blame else where. But
really the blame might just go right back to us because we didn't really look at things
the right way and do what we could 100%. If we trust and believe in our trust 100%, it
will become natural. Then trust isn't something we don't need to think about but just move
and it moves with us. And if that state happens the beauty of it is that we develop the
next state and it strengthens us so much inside that we get stronger and stronger and then
all things become clear.